Yes! now convert all your sklearn models to time series model
Hello there, today we will discuss how to convert our regular sklearn machine learning models into time series models.
Before we get started let's recap how the time series works.
There are tons of articles available over the net even from my previous time series articles. Now if you remember the time series internally works as autoregressor and also if you remember the formula of the regressor
y = mx+ c, where m = beta coefficients, x = x1, c = intercept
And if you remember how time series work, using Autoregressor
i.e. X(t+1) = c +m1*(t-1) + m2*(t-2)…… so on and so forth.
Autoregressor itself is multivariate in the sense it computes t+1 with its lag version of itself and this is how time series works!
Now offcourse there are a few other components of time series like identifying the trend, and seasonality which gets identified and removed while moving ahead to the autoregressor component.
There are again various ways to remove the seasonality one of the common well know methods is Differencing if you wish to apply Arima
In this article, we will explore a number of ways to change the default autoregressor into our favorite regressor of all time like XGboost.
Let’s get started.
The first thing we need to take care of is formating the target attribute ‘y’ into a supervised learning dataset format.
The more lag version we create the more we can forecast based upon, that doesn't mean you can forecast X100times, offcourse the further you forecast the confidence level of accuracy will be lesser. if not then it's a GOD MODE :)
To order to perform such a conversation we can create a custom function or we can now simply use ‘make_reduction’ from sktime package.
forecaster = make_reduction(regressor, window_length=52, strategy=”recursive”)
We have 3 strategy options to choose from.
- Direct
- Recursive
- Multiple outputs
Strategy =Direct, we will see below we will create 26-step forecasting. therefore strategy = “Direct” will create a separate model for each period like 26 models for 26-step forecasting each model making its single-step prediction.
Strategy = Recursive, here we will use the previous time step’s output for the next step’s input recursively for N number of forecasts. Thus we will fit the one-step ahead model.
Strategy = Multiple outputs, here one model will be used to predict the entire time series in a single forecast.
We can also achieve the above step with the Regressor Chain method which will learn in another article.
Window_length: is the same the window size.
Here are some quick definitions of Window size i was able to gather.
What is a good window size for moving average?
If we simply look at a plot of our data we can already discover a weekly pattern. Hence, for our data a moving average of window size 7 seems suitable for capturing the trend cycle.
Usually windowing is done to smooth your time series and thus reduce noise and let you see trends more clearly in your data. A larger window gives more smoothing but obscures high frequency features.
If your interest is in predicting beyond the end of the time series, there is no advantage to windowing other than perhaps letting you choose a good fitting function. Just do a least-squares regression fit to the raw data and extrapolate.
Beware, accurate prediction is difficult, especially of the future.
In time series problem, this duration is called window length or time lags. It represents the number of time steps in the time series to be inserted as input for the predictive model.
I prefer the highlighted definition.
Now let's get started with the actual coding.
#pip install sktime #forecasting from sktime.forecasting.all import * y = load_airline() y_train, y_test = temporal_train_test_split(y) fh = ForecastingHorizon(y_test.index, is_relative=False) forecaster = ThetaForecaster(sp=12) # monthly seasonal periodicity = forecaster.predict(fh)sktime’s temporal_train_test_split function does not shuffle the data. Therefore it is suitable for forecasting.
def smape(A, F): return 100/len(A) * np.sum(2 * np.abs(F - A) / (np.abs(A) + np.abs(F))) #Method 2 def smape(A, F): tmp = 2 * np.abs(F - A) / (np.abs(A) + np.abs(F)) len_ = np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(tmp)) if len_ == 0 and np.nansum(tmp) == 0: # Deals with a special case return 100 return 100 / len_ * np.nansum(tmp) smape(y_test, y_pred) #8.661467738190655Above quick a function to calculate the SMAPE, smape also have advantages and disadvantages which we discussed in my previous article, you can also use the MSE, or MAE. no harm.
#Now we will apply XGBOOST
from sktime.forecasting.compose import make_reduction import xgboost # Create an exogenous dataframe indicating the month X = pd.DataFrame({'month': y.index.month}, index=y.index) X = pd.get_dummies(X.astype(str), drop_first=True) X_train, X_test = temporal_train_test_split(X, test_size=36) regressor = xgboost.XGBRegressor(objective='reg:squarederror', random_state=42) forecaster = make_reduction(regressor, window_length=12, strategy="recursive") # Fit and predict, X=X_train) y_pred = forecaster.predict(fh=fh, X=X_test) # Evaluate mean_absolute_percentage_error(y_test, y_pred) #0.10052889328976747 # Plot predictions with training and test data plot_series(y_train, y_test, y_pred, labels=["y_train", "y_test", "y_pred"], x_label='Date', y_label='ariline passenger');
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