Neural Network in Excel: Create a perceptron neural network using excel


Neural Network in Excel

Create a perceptron neural network using excel

Hey there, thought to use one of my long holidays to make something cool and useful.

Well, this time it’s not an article instead thought to get my old habit back to make a video :)

So today we will see how to create A Neural Network using our most loved tool “EXCEL”

Video as follows…….

Neural Network

I hope you enjoyed it. Yup this is how Artificial Neural Networks just uses many Neurons and iterations.

Happy Machine Learning.

A Cup of Engineering :)
A Cup of Engineering :)

That’s it.

It’s great to know all these new advanced techniques. Likewise, I will try to bring the best of machine learning from across as much as possible.

Thanks again, for your time, if you enjoyed this short article there are tons of topics in advanced analytics, data science, and machine learning available in my medium repo.

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Let me know if you need anything. Talk Soon.

Old pic :)


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